Gastroesophageal Reflux For Parents

Your lower sphincter and diaphragm of the esophagus most often prevent GER when the stomach contents return to your esophagus. We will do extensive tests to determine the health of your esophagus and then plan a personalized treatment plan. At GCSA, we offer a variety of advanced procedures for diagnosing Read more…

Common Causes Of Back Pain

If you experience sudden weight loss that cannot be explained by dietary and lifestyle changes, always pay attention to what your body tells you. This is especially true when inexplicable weight loss is associated with back pain. Consult your doctor to rule out the possibility of a more serious condition, Read more…

10 Foods For Healthy Hair

También son una fuente rica de vitamins C y pueden ayudar a eliminar la deficiencia de hierro, que se ha relacionado con la pérdida de cabello. La vitaminina C facilita que su cuerpo absorba hierro, que esencial para la salud de su cabello, piel y uñas, y también promueve el Read more…


You can buy dental floss that is in a handle to make it easier. Oral hygiene should start if your child is a baby. Start using a soft toothbrush for children around the age of 1 or 2 years. You should brush your child’s teeth with water at least twice Read more…

The Not So Happy Side Effects Of Green Beer

Mild to moderate alcohol intake can improve blood sugar, a problem for many people with diabetes. People who drink heavily over a long period of time are also more likely to develop pneumonia or tuberculosis than the general population. About 10 percent of all tuberculosis cases worldwide can be related Read more…